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<% Dim ShowMode As String = "form" '[form|thanks|error] Dim DownloadFileIndex As Integer = 0 Dim EmailFromAddress As String = "testing.ebooks.download@netfit.co.uk" Dim EmailFromAlias As String = "Netfit free ebook" Dim EmailSubject As String = "Netfit.co.uk : Your free ebook" Dim LinkURL As String = "http://www.netfit.co.uk/public/dl-secure.htm?ec=" Dim LinkValidDays As Integer = 7 Dim FinalURL as string="" Dim aValidationKeys() As String = { _ "GFKBGNLN", _ "FGGDKNTG", _ "FRLKGMFL", _ "MGMFKLJN", _ "BJFOHG03", _ "HG095303", _ "30HGJHG0", _ "OIGR093O", _ "FN030NEF", _ "LNNFD093", _ "GHR6B5RG", _ "T146B9E1", _ "BTE19DGT", _ "ER5GFH16", _ "1R6TY46T", _ "ERSDFVN3", _ "102JKKIO", _ "S6DD54FF", _ "13SDFW6W", _ "5WSD321H", _ "16YJ3GH2", _ "FTR1R3DS", _ "1F3H1I51", _ "P3UHJ2H1", _ "3V136S51", _ "3WQQW2DS" _ } Dim RecipEmail as String = "" Dim ValKey as String = "" If Request.Form.ToString.Length > 0 Then Dim bContinue As Boolean = False RecipEmail = Request.Form("frmRE") ValKey = Request.Form("frmVK") For Each s As String In aValidationKeys If s = ValKey Then bContinue = True Exit For End If Next If bContinue Then Dim db As New omni.db If db.valEmail(RecipEmail) Then Dim contact As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage Dim objMail As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient Dim ec As New omni.encrypt FinalURL = LinkURL & ec.encrypt("IDX" & DownloadFileIndex, Today.AddDays(LinkValidDays)) Dim body As String = "Thank you for singing up to our email newsletter. We will be emailing you each month with articles based on your preferences in your profile.

In the meantime, please click the link below to get your FREE ebook download :

(expires in " & LinkValidDays & " day" & IIf(LinkValidDays = 1, "", "s") & " from the date this email was sent)." & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ FinalURL & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Netfit.co.uk" With contact .From = New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(EmailFromAddress, EmailFromAlias) .To.Add(RecipEmail) .Subject = EmailSubject .Body = body .IsBodyHtml = False End With Try objMail.Send(contact) ShowMode = "thanks" Catch ex As Exception ShowMode = "error" End Try ec = Nothing contact = Nothing objMail = Nothing Else ShowMode = "error" End If db = Nothing Else ShowMode = "error" End If Else ShowMode = "form" If Not IsNothing(Request.QueryString("re")) Then RecipEmail = Request.QueryString("re") End If If Not IsNothing(Request.QueryString("vk")) Then ValKey = Request.QueryString("vk") Else ShowMode = "error" End If End If %> <% Select Case ShowMode Case "form" %>

A big thank you for taking the time to sign up for our FREE fitness tips and newsletter.

To show how much we value you as a user, we promised to provide you with a FREE ebook download worth £5.99. As you will see below, all you need to do is click the submit button below and leave your email in the text field (this does not replicate your email in our database but is used to create a unique download code).

We do change ebooks every few months so please click the form button below to create your download link for the ebook.

N.B. Please remember that we do not sell your data to any other companies.

<% Case "thanks" %>

Thanks for signing up for our email newsletter. We have emailed you a download link, with access code, so please check your inbox in a few minutes.

To make life simple, we have also provided a link below for you to download your ebook now :

» click here to download your FREE ebook « <% Case "error" %>

Unfortunately you have come through to this page in error.

If you cannot see a "Submit" button then you cannot download one of our FREE ebooks.

If you tried to submit an email that is not recognised in our database, or came through to this page from a forum post or an online article, you will need to sign up for our FREE fitness tips.

Click here to go to our homepage and then at the top right of the homepage, you can sign up for FREE fitness tips.

Once you have signed up for our Netfit.co.uk newsletter you will then receive instructions on how to get your FREE ebook worth £ 5.99.

<% End Select %>

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