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Static Tricep Dips

Working your triceps muscles in a static position, will help increase the strength and overall size of the muscle, however due to the increase in internal muscular tension, this triceps dips method should be avoided by persons who suffer from high blood pressure.

static triceps dipsAdopt whichever triceps dip position you wish to use, inhale and smoothly lower yourself down, to its midpoint position, and focus on holding yourself statically in place for as long as comfortably possible.

You may wish to perform a set number of reps, or simply just the one, however try adopting different hand positions if performing more than one rep - normal - wide - close grip.

Focus on keeping your elbows tucked close to your sides, keeping your shoulders pulled back with your head up, taking care not to strain your muscles.

Aim to breathe comfortably throughout the movement, never holding your breath as this will greatly increase your blood pressure, which can cause dizziness.

Stretch and Warm Up before you commence any exercise and aim to finish with some good stretching to let your body and mind recover.

Look in the Home Workout area for a great sample workout, if any of these exercises are too hard, then adjust them to your own needs.

Remember to record how many repetitions and sets you can perform, so that you will so how your getting fitter and stronger in all areas. Download your free PDF Record Sheet

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