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Tuberculosis is a disease, which is caused by the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The organisms enter the lungs carried in the air from other infected individuals coughing close by.

These bacteria can cause a reoccurring cough, which produces phlegm, often blood stained. The disease is characterized by the formation of nodular lesions in the tissues.

When it enters the lung it creates a primary nodule or tubercle, the disease then spreads and incorporates the nearest lymph node.

The symptoms of the active form of the disease include fever, night sweats, weight loss and coughing up of bloody stained phlegm. It is possible for some people to become infected with the bacteria, and to act as a carrier, and not developing the illness unless their immune system is compromised.

Reactivation of the disease can occur years after the first infection. If the infection spreads and enters the blood stream it can set up hundreds of tiny tubercles throughout the body. Sometimes an infection occurring in the lungs may be partially resolved, but the disease can stay within the body lying dormant until conditions are suitable for it to redevelop. Sites, which include the bone, are target areas where new lesions can occur.

The bacteria can also be contracted from ingesting infected cows milk. In this instance the abdominal lymph nodes tend to be infected and this can lead to peritonitis. Dairy herds and their milk are regularly tested for TB.

Treatment is aimed according to the extent of tissues affected. It is normal for strong antibiotics such as Rifampicin and Isoniazid to be taken for a course of 6 months, longer if the brain, bones or female reproductive organs are infected. It is extremely important to take the treatment regularly and it is the lack of this that causes re-infection in poorer underdeveloped countries.

With the introduction of immunization in the developed world Tuberculosis had become almost eradicated. Some immigrants seeking better facilities abroad have been found to be carriers.

It has been seen frequently in patients suffering from aids, unfortunately worldwide travel has bought many more people in contact with infected people and the disease is beginning to become re-established. At one time this disease was always associated with poverty, malnutrition and overcrowding.

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