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Pulsing Squat

The pulsing squat is an excellent exercise to aid with fitness for either skiing or horse riding.

pulsing squatThis pulsing movement can be performed for a multitude of squat exercises, with the main key to keep the movements smooth for both the lowering and raising phase, with the movements small and always under control.
You may decide to perform the pulsing action through the complete range of the movement, or simply in the middle part of the exercise, however always work within your own limits.

Take care when finishing your pulsing movements for the quads, especially if you have been low down for a while, as the contraction of the muscles, will reduce the blood flow to your brain, and can cause you to feel dizzy or light headed for a few seconds. If you feel dizzy, stop what you’re doing, and aim to sit or lie down straight away, shaking your legs to aid blood flow.

Stretch and Warm Up before you commence any exercise and aim to finish with some good stretching to let your body and mind recover.

Look in the Home Workout area for a great sample workout, if any of these exercises are too hard, then adjust them to your own needs.

Remember to record how many repetitions and sets you can perform, so that you will so how your getting fitter and stronger in all areas. Download your free PDF Record Sheet

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