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Glossary D

Dead Lift One of three power lifting events (other two are squat and bench press). Weight is lifted off floor to approximately waist height. Lifter must stand erect, shoulders back.

Deficiency A sub optimal level of either one or more nutrients, often resulting in poor health.

Dehydration Excessive fluid loss from the body, normally from perspiration, urination, evaporation or being sick.

Delts Abbreviation for deltoids, the large triangular muscles of the shoulder which raise the arm away from the body and perform other functions.

Dip Belt Large heavy belt worn around hips with a chain at each end that can be attached to a barbell plate or dumbbell for additional resistance during certain exercises like dips.

Disease/Illness Prevention Altering lifestyles and environmental factors with the intent of preventing or reducing the risk of various illnesses and diseases.

Disease/Illness Treatment Altering lifestyles and use of medical procedures to aid in rehabilitation or reduction in symptoms or debilitation from a disease or illness.

Diuretic A substance that aids the increase of urine excreted by the body.

DOMS Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness A condition that is often felt after exercise, especially weight orientated, or excessive running. Caused by the micro tears within your muscles as part of the body rebuilding phase. Will generally last 24 / 72 hours, with feelings felt normally the day after exercise.

Double (Split Training) Routine Working out twice a day to allow for shorter, more intense workouts. Usually performed by more advanced bodybuilders preparing for a contest.

Drying Out Encouraging loss of body fluids by limiting fluid intake, eliminating salt, sweating heavily and/or using diuretics.

Dumbbell Weight used for exercising consisting of rigid handles about 14” long with either detachable metal discs or fixed weights at each end.

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