Training Tips and Advice
The beginners weight training workout program is designed to work your upper body and thigh muscle groups. If your aim is to begin weight training to assist with weight loss, then also perform a suitable lower body workout, as your larger leg muscles will use more calories, and thus give you greater results. (Suitable workouts can be found within our members area).
As a beginner, I would certainly look at reading the notes on strength training to help you choose the correct weight for you and avoid the risk of any muscle injury by simply trying to work the muscles beyond their capabilities.
Your aim should be to establish correct technique whilst lifting a suitable weight. The weight you need to lift, will be as much as is comfortable for the reps outlined, with the last 2 - 3 reps becoming hard but not impossible to lift with good technique.
If your lifting the weights with bad technique, then you're not isolating your muscles and basically wasting your time if your aim is to get stronger, toner looking muscles.
For best results you will want to train with weights 2 - 3 times per week for about 30 - 45 minutes, working on 2 or 3 different muscle groups for each workout. Combining C.V. (aerobic exercise) training with your weight training will help develop correct muscle tone, and also a reduction in body fat.
Adjust your weights gradually, once you can lift the set number of reps comfortable, take the weight up slightly, bearing in mind that you may not be able to still do the same number of reps as before.
Stop immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort whilst lifting, do not work to failure, rest when you need to, either between each exercise for ideally 30 seconds to 2 minutes, and between training sessions. Aim to train with a minimum of a days rest between sessions.
Setting goals is a good way to stay motivated, however make sure that they realistic, too many people quit training, as they don't see any results. Results take time, and because they are gradual are often hard to see for yourself. Taking photo's or simple body measurements is a good idea, so that you can monitor your progress every 6 -8 weeks.
Record the amount of reps, sets and weight you can lift, with your key aim to be able to move on to a slightly harder program. Staying with the same program week in week out, will only be a maintenance program. In order to develop to become fitter and stronger, you will need to adjust your program, with either new exercises, or method of lifting.
The following page will give you a simple exercise training log, so you can monitor your workouts.