Cricket Training
Are you looking for a cricket training exercise program to help you improve your fitness, reflexes and overall game? With you can get a range of FREE exercise programs and more.
Perform the following session once a week in your competitive season, and ideally twice a week during the closed season, aiming to keep good form throughout the exercises. Avoid taking the weight too heavy as this will result in gaining muscle bulk, rather than strength and speed.
Single Arm Triceps Pullover
An excellent exercise to isolate the triceps. Stabilize the weighted arm with your free hand, whilst lifting the weight up, keeping your elbow pointing upwards. Perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps with a lightweight, at a 2-0-2 rate. The triceps muscle plays an important part in throwing of the ball, and also extending the arm in batting.
Bench Fly's
On either inclined or flat bench, using dumbbells. Remember not to allow your elbows to go lower than your shoulders, and bring your hands together at the top, 3-0-2 rate 3 sets of 12 –15 reps same weight. If your bench can decline and incline, aim to work on a flat - incline and then decline, as this will work both your upper and lower chest muscles.
Lateral Pull Downs
Remember to pull the bar to the front of the body, aim for 3-4 sets, reducing the weight each time, aiming for 12-15 reps.
Try and perform this routine with minimal rest between sets, keeping a smooth rate of 3-1-3. Keep your back straight and abdominal muscles contracted to avoid any forward movement from your waist.
If you can work using a Swiss Ball, this will force you to fix your abdominal muscles, rather than having your knees under the machine restraints.
Rear Deltoid Pull
using the lower pulley of a cable machine perform 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps with a suitable weight. Remember there is nothing wrong with either using a lighter weight or fewer reps with your weaker arm. Avoid twisting the body in a 3-0-2 rate. If you feel that your twisting, then perform this exercise seated, ideally with a bench with a back support, however by doing this, you should reduce the weight, as the exercise will become harder.
Inclined bench (30°)
1 set 12 – 15 reps with light weight, concentrate on good technique, and warming the chest muscles up. Follow this with 2-3 sets x 10 -12 reps dumbbell presses. Aim for a 3-0-2 workout rate, 3 sec's to lower the weight, then 2 sec's to lift. If you don't have an incline bench, or suitably dumbbells, then you can work with a flat bench and a barbell.
Standing Biceps
Using either cable pulley or free weights, keep the elbows tucked into the side, avoiding any swinging movement. You may want to work with your back against a wall, to totally isolate the biceps muscle, however always focus on keeping your elbows tucked into your sides.
By working with dumbbells, you can perform a hammer action curl, however this is a harder movement, so the weight should be reduced. Aim to work for 2 - 3 sets of 10 - 12 reps in a 2-0-2 action.
Reverse Fly's
An excellent exercise for developing the back muscles. Rest your body on either your thigh or a bench to give support to your lower back.
Aim to perform 3 sets with a light weight, for a high number of reps (20+) in a smooth 2-0-2 rate.
Avoid any jerking action during the movement.
Sit with your right hand shoulder facing towards a low pulley, holding a single stirrup connection in your right hand, having your arm bent to 90 degrees, with your forearm parallel to the floor, having the cable extend across your body. Make sure you sit far enough away from the pulley, to prevent the cable rubbing against your right leg. Pull the cable in a smooth motion across your body so that your hand finishes by your opposite side.
Aim to work for 2 sets of 10 - 12 reps at a rate of 2-1-2.
You should use the abdominal workouts within the members area, aim to start with the beginner / intermediate session's, and progress to working up to the advanced sessions, using both the Swiss Ball and Medicine Ball. As mentioned earlier, this is the area that you need to work on, in order to improve both strength - speed and injury reduction.
Look at performing the lower body session, or lower body circuit ideally once a week. Do not perform these sessions on the same day as either the upper body workout or your plyometric session. You can perform these sessions on the same day as your CV aerobic workouts, and your abdominal sessions.
The next page has a downloadable worksheet for your exercises :