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Welcome to the healthcare channel from netfit.co.uk

The healthcare channel has everything you need for a fit and healthy body, we have a complete medical directory with many common medical complaints as well as some you may not have heard of.
Its important to remember that the information contained within this section of the site is not a substitute for seeing a qualified professional (Doctor).

If you feel unwell or need medical assistance, you should do all you can to seek professional help, as often you may give yourself the wrong diagnosis and either look at taking the wrong treatment, or make your present condition worse.

Hopefully by eating a well balanced diet and having a healthy active lifestyle, you should remain fit and healthy - however if your unwell, the Netfit Team wish you a speedy and successful recovery.

The men's health and women's health areas contain more gender specific lifestyle information, with all this information at your fingertip why go elsewhere.

click here from the medical directory
click here for men's health
click here for women's health

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