Pulsing Triceps Dips
The pulsing triceps dip, is a good exercise for developing muscular endurance in your triceps muscle.
Adapt your chosen method of tricep dip, however aim to work the complete movement in small pulsing actions (2 - 4 inches).
You can work from start to finish in a pulsing action, or alternatively work only in the lower or middle phase of the exercise.
Throughout the movement, focus on keeping good form, making sure that your elbows extend back behind you, your head is upright, and you're lowering your buttocks down to the floor.
Always finish off any pulsing move with a stretch, and shake out of the arms, as the muscular contraction in your arms will restrict blood flow temporarily.
Stretch and Warm Up before you commence any exercise and aim to finish with some good stretching to let your body and mind recover.
Look in the Home Workout area for a great sample workout, if any of these exercises are too hard, then adjust them to your own needs.
Remember to record how many repetitions and sets you can perform, so that you will so how your getting fitter and stronger in all areas. Download your free PDF Record Sheet
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