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Football Training & Drills

It's always a good time for football training drills and exercises as unless you are in the Premiership - there's always room to improve your skills. Our football training pages offer a quick simple set of drills and exercises so find out more below.


This session is designed to work all muscle groups of your upper body, as an endurance / toning circuit and also to increase the heart rate sufficiently to provide you with a sweat.

Aim to work at a fast comfortable pace within your own limits, taking minimal rest between the different exercises, this circuit is only suitable for persons use to weights.




30 SEC


30 SEC




20 SEC


20 SEC


20 SEC




10 SEC


10 SEC

15 -20

15 SEC


15 SEC



Wide Arm Press-Up. Take your hands out at double shoulder width, with your palms facing forward. Dependent on your fitness level, choose your style to work in, i.e. 3/4 position for intermediates and full position for advanced.

1 Arm Row

Support your body by placing your left hand and knee on a bench, whilst placing the weight in your right hand, with the right foot securely on the floor.

Aim to keep your back parallel to the floor, whilst lifting the weighted elbow from a straight position to an angle of 90 degrees or more, aiming to take the elbow high without rotation.

Biceps Curl

Again if possible perform in a seated position to limit excessive body swing.

For intermediates and advanced aim to perform the movement in the 3 following actions, normal / hammer / and reverse, full descriptions of all the exercises can be found in the members area.

Tricep Dips

Place your hands either side of your buttocks, with fingers facing forward. Bend at your elbows, taking them backwards. Perform on a secure bench with feet on the floor for intermediates, and feet on another bench for advanced. Focus on taking your elbows behind you.

Breast Stroke

Control the movement,  ideally standing with feet shoulder width apart. Keep your head up looking straight ahead, with elbows at shoulder height.


Make smooth controlled breast stroke swimming movements, whilst focusing on keeping your elbows at shoulder height.

Bench Press

Aim to perform the exercises in either a close arm normal or wide stance exercise. Again you can adapt the exercise by using an incline / decline / or flat bench, whilst working with either dumbbells or a barbell.

Focus on a complete range of movement, lowering the weight down to your chest, however never use a weight that is too heavy so you can't lift it back up.

Tricep Kick Backs

Sit on a secure bench with your feet firmly on the floor, leaning over as far as possible, ideally to a position that enables your body to be parallel to the floor.


Smoothly extend the arm back from a bent position, in order to straighten the arm, focusing on keeping your upper arm horizontal whilst keeping your elbow tucked into your side.

Reverse Fly's

Support your back on either an inclined bench or the thigh of one leg. Keeping a bend in your arms lift the weight up no higher than shoulder height in a smooth motion, before lowering under control.


Lateral Raise

Holding suitable dumbbells in each hand, smoothly lift the weights up from your side, to a horizontal position out to your sides, aiming to keep a slight bend in your arms, hands inline with your shoulders.

For best results, certainly for beginners, aim to work on a declined bench so that you have some support for your lower back.

Close Arm Press-Ups

Beginners should perform in a box style press-up, as this is a hard exercise. Aim to make a triangle with your fingers and thumbs, taking your elbows out to the side. Your hands should be under your chest.

Normal Fly's

Work on either a flat or incline bench, taking the weights from a central position, out to your sides, in line with your shoulders.

Keep a slight bend in the arms at the elbow, lowering the weights no lower than your shoulders.

Shoulder Press

Aim to work in a seated position on an inclined bench for support for your back. Lift the weights from your shoulders, up above your head, keeping the palms of your hands facing forward. Make sure the weights are secure.

Remember that by doing high reps 15+, you will build up muscular endurance, without increasing in size too much. Correct nutrition will help you build stronger leaner muscle tissue necessary for today's game.

Aim to fit 2 sessions in a week of strength training, as mentioned earlier, these can be combined with your C.V. sessions.

Use the weight training login sheet to monitor your progress, with the amount of weight that you can lift as well as the reps.

Drills - the bedrock of your football training, check out the skills and drills on the next page :

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