Health Tips
Good effort, at least you're started to read our 99 Health Tips, try and make it to the end!
Exercise for the older age group, helps to keep you young, by maintaining muscle tissue and bone density, the older you are, the more important it is that you exercise.
Upper body weight training will help you maintain a total lean body mass; more muscle equals a higher resting metabolic rate.
If you get out of breath when you exercise, you're probably going too fast.
Training too hard, may lower your fitness, resting your body, allows it to recover and rebuild itself properly. Don't over train, you'll just burn-up or melt.
After eating the last slice of cake, all overweight people will decide to go on the tomorrow diet, why don't they decide to exercise it off, as the tomorrow diet never comes?
The slimming industry is the most unsuccessful industry in the world today for people wanting to lose FAT, although it is financially sound!
If you are always surrounded by food, and can't stop picking, chew gum. Every time you put the food in your mouth you will ruin the gum.
Researchers have suggested that people who are deficient in various vitamins and minerals may overeat in an attempt to obtain the missing nutrients. Obesity is the unfortunate outcome.
Performing cardiovascular type activities (i.e. running, cycling, swimming, etc.) five times a week decreases your risk of type II diabetes by 45%.
Exercising two to four times a week reduces your risk by 40%; once a week, 25%. Exercise decreases your risk by reducing fat tissue in the body and making cells more responsive to insulin.
If you smoke, why don't you give up? I'm not going to lecture you on all the bad points that smoking has, as I'm sure you know it's a great provider of deaths in the family.
Most zip inflicted injuries occur on the down stroke. If this happens to you, try pulling the zip in the direction it came from, in one swift motion. Check the damage, and apply antiseptic cream and a bandage to stop the bleeding. Change all your clothes to button flies to avoid the above.
Don't squeeze those spots. Squeezing spots might be fun, however you can push the acne plug deeper into the skin, and cause the follicle wall to rupture, leaving a small shot gun wound on you. Try tea tree oil or aloe vera to prevent this look.
Stress lowers the immune system and exercise helps to counter stress. Over exercising puts pressure on the immune system, make sure you take those vitamins and minerals, and remember get fit to play sport, not play sport to get fit.