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Salmonella is a rod like bacterium that can inhabit the intestines of animals and man. Certain species can cause diseases such as food poisoning, gastroenteritis and septicemia. Paratyphoid and Typhoid Fever are also caused by other species of salmonella.


Salmonella bacteria have been found in poultry and eggs, and this has been a topical debate in the past as to the quality of our farm produced products. For this reason strict standards of food hygiene must be adhered to in all establishments connected with the processing and supply of any raw food.

If the disease is contracted it can cause diarrhea and vomiting, usually within 12-24 hours, however it is not usually harmful except to the elderly, the frail or very young children.

Anyone connected with the preparation of food that contract these bacteria must refrain from work until they can be tested to be clear of the disease. It is possible to carry the infection for a couple of months after the symptoms subside so re-testing is extremely important. The main risk is from eating raw eggs (as in some meringue dishes or mayonnaise) or poultry which is undercooked.

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