Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer is one of the most common tumors found in young men between late teens and early 30's, approximately 1400 men will be diagnosed with this disease each year and providing detection is early the prospect of a complete cure is much higher.
Despite what one would expect from a tumor it is often pain free, and the only signs would be a lump that can be felt in the testicle, a feeling of that one being heavier than the other, and possibly fluid giving rise to a hydrocele in the scrotum.
If ignored this type of tumor can spread to the lungs or bones, and this will drastically reduce your chances of recovery. It is not always essential that the tumor be removed surgically i.e. that you would lose one of your testicles, but if this was necessary it is perfectly possible to continue with an active sex life and to become a father with only one testis.
Other forms of treatment based on the type of tumor will involve radiotherapy or chemotherapy or sometimes a combination of the two. It is possible to confirm the diagnosis by using ultrasound imaging, taking a biopsy of the lump and scanning for recognizable tumor producing chemicals in the blood stream.
Undescended testes are one of the most common predisposing factors to this disease, and it is why all young boys are checked early and the problem corrected if it is found. It has also been discovered that testicular cancer is more common in men of better social and economic classes, however the reason behind the link between this disease and social and environmental classes has not so far been made apparent.
Because of the success rate in cases detected early, it is important that all your men familiarize themselves with the contours and surface texture of their testicles. Certain ducts and tubes in the testicle can feel lumpy and this may be normal what you must learn to do is recognize any changes.
If you find something that feels different you must consult your family doctor as it could turn out to be harmless, it is always better to be safe than sorry.
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